研究小组发现,记忆性T细胞的分化过程中, RNA重排起重要作用。研究小组以小鼠的研究模型,通过沉默一个记忆性T细胞分化的关键基因ptprc(是产生记忆性T细胞CD45RO的重要基因),结果发现记忆性T细胞的比例发生改变。并且RNA结合蛋白hnRNALL发生改变,会导致RNA的识别区域变得不稳定。
Immunity,19 December 2008 doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2008.11.004
Memory T Cell RNA Rearrangement Programmed by Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein hnRNPLL
Zuopeng Wu1,Xinying Jia2,Laura de la Cruz2,Xun-Cheng Su2,Bruz Marzolf3,Pamela Troisch3,Daniel Zak3,Adam Hamilton1,Belinda Whittle1,Di Yu1,Daniel Sheahan1,Edward Bertram1,Alan Aderem3,Gottfried Otting2,Christopher C. Goodnow1,4,,andGerard F. Hoyne1,4
1 John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian Phenomics Facility, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia2 Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia3 Institute for Systems Biology, 1441 North 34th St., Seattle, WA 98103-9804, USACorresponding author4 These authors contributed equally
Differentiation of memory cells involves DNA-sequence changes in B lymphocytes but is less clearly defined in Tcells. RNA rearrangement is identified here as a key event in memory Tcell differentiation by analysis of a mouse mutation that altered the proportions of naive and memory Tcells and crippled the process of Ptprc exon silencing needed to generate CD45RO in memory Tcells. A single substitution ina memory-induced RNA-binding protein, hnRNPLL, destabilized an RNA-recognition domain that bound with micromolar affinity to RNA containing the Ptprc exon-silencing sequence. Hnrpll mutation selectively diminished Tcell accumulation in peripheral lymphoid tissues but not proliferation. Exon-array analysis of Hnrpll mutant naive and memory Tcells revealed an extensive program of alternative mRNA splicing in memory Tcells, coordinated by hnRNPLL. A remarkable overlap with alternative splicing in neural tissues may reflect a co-opted strategy for diversifying memory Tcells.