
该系谱图可以帮助药物开发商通过将哪些病毒株作为标靶而找到治疗感冒的方法。 普通感冒长期以来一直是一个很大的谜团,其主要原因是因为造成感冒的致病原并非只有一种感冒病毒。科学家们已经发现了99种已知的鼻病毒株,他们相信还有更多的鼻病毒没有被发现。在某些病例中,感冒症状轻微;而在另外一些病例中,它们会导致耳朵和肺部的继发感染,甚或引起哮喘。以往有几次研发感冒药物的尝试失败了,其原因可能是因为这些药物对有些感染某些病毒株的人有效,但对其他人却无效。为了解决不同病毒株的问题,Stephen Liggett及其同僚现在已经完成了对所有已知鼻病毒及某些新近发现的新病毒株的 基因组 序列分析。
他们接着通过比较基因序列以及每一种病毒的不同物理特征而制作了一个鼻病毒的系谱图。他们除了发现2个已知的主要集群之外还在该系谱图上发现了新的分枝。他们证明,关系疏远的病毒可以通过重组而产生新的病毒株。这些发现还提示,鼻病毒序列中有一个特殊片断特别易变并可能会影响该病毒的毒性,这就像人们已知的在灰髓炎病毒中有一个相应的片断也具有同样的性质。除了能够帮助人们研发药物之外,这些发现还将为研究人员研究鼻病毒的演变、多样性和耐药性打下基层。( 生物谷 Bioon.com)
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1165557
Sequencing and Analyses of All Known Human Rhinovirus Genomes Reveals Structure and Evolution
Ann C. Palmenberg 1, David Spiro 2, Ryan Kuzmickas 2, Shiliang Wang 2, Appolinaire Djikeng 2, Jennifer A. Rathe 3, Claire M. Fraser-Liggett 4, Stephen B. Liggett 3*
1 Institute for Molecular Virology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA.2 J. Craig Venter Institute, Rockville, MD 20850, USA.3 Cardiopulmonary Genomics Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA.4 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA.
Infection by human rhinoviruses (HRVs) is a major cause of upper and lower respiratory tract disease worldwide and displays significant phenotypic variation. We examined diversity by completing the genome sequences for all known serotypes (n = 99). Superimposition of capsid crystal structure and optimal-energy RNA configurations established alignments and phylogeny. These revealed conserved motifs, clade-specific diversity including a potential new species (HRV-D), mutations in field isolates, and recombination. In analogy with poliovirus, a hypervariable 5'UTR tract may affect virulence. A configuration consistent with nonscanning internal ribosome entry was found in all HRVs and may account for rapid translation. The data density from complete sequences of the reference HRVs provided high resolution for this degree of modeling and serves as a platform for full genome-based epidemiologic studies and antiviral or vaccine development.
该系谱图可以帮助药物开发商通过将哪些病毒株作为标靶而找到治疗感冒的方法。 普通感冒长期以来一直是一个很大的谜团,其主要原因是因为造成感冒的致病原并非只有一种感冒病毒。科学家们已经发现了99种已知的鼻病毒株,他们相信还有更多的鼻病毒没有被发现。在某些病例中,感冒症状轻微;而在另外一些病例中,它们会导致耳朵和肺部的继发感染,甚或引起哮喘。以往有几次研发感冒药物的尝试失败了,其原因可能是因为这些药物对有些感染某些病毒株的人有效,但对其他人却无效。为了解决不同病毒株的问题,Stephen Liggett及其同僚现在已经完成了对所有已知鼻病毒及某些新近发现的新病毒株的 基因组 序列分析。
他们接着通过比较基因序列以及每一种病毒的不同物理特征而制作了一个鼻病毒的系谱图。他们除了发现2个已知的主要集群之外还在该系谱图上发现了新的分枝。他们证明,关系疏远的病毒可以通过重组而产生新的病毒株。这些发现还提示,鼻病毒序列中有一个特殊片断特别易变并可能会影响该病毒的毒性,这就像人们已知的在灰髓炎病毒中有一个相应的片断也具有同样的性质。除了能够帮助人们研发药物之外,这些发现还将为研究人员研究鼻病毒的演变、多样性和耐药性打下基层。( 生物谷 Bioon.com)
Science DOI: 10.1126/science.1165557
Sequencing and Analyses of All Known Human Rhinovirus Genomes Reveals Structure and Evolution
Ann C. Palmenberg 1, David Spiro 2, Ryan Kuzmickas 2, Shiliang Wang 2, Appolinaire Djikeng 2, Jennifer A. Rathe 3, Claire M. Fraser-Liggett 4, Stephen B. Liggett 3*
1 Institute for Molecular Virology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA.2 J. Craig Venter Institute, Rockville, MD 20850, USA.3 Cardiopulmonary Genomics Program, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA.4 Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA.
Infection by human rhinoviruses (HRVs) is a major cause of upper and lower respiratory tract disease worldwide and displays significant phenotypic variation. We examined diversity by completing the genome sequences for all known serotypes (n = 99). Superimposition of capsid crystal structure and optimal-energy RNA configurations established alignments and phylogeny. These revealed conserved motifs, clade-specific diversity including a potential new species (HRV-D), mutations in field isolates, and recombination. In analogy with poliovirus, a hypervariable 5'UTR tract may affect virulence. A configuration consistent with nonscanning internal ribosome entry was found in all HRVs and may account for rapid translation. The data density from complete sequences of the reference HRVs provided high resolution for this degree of modeling and serves as a platform for full genome-based epidemiologic studies and antiviral or vaccine development.