(图片提供:Olivier Loudet/INRA)
为更多地了解是什么原因导致物种分离,以及新物种是如何形成的,巴黎市法国国立农业研究所的生物学家Olivier Loudet将目光投向了水芹(Arabidopsis thaliana),这是一种来自于十字花科的野草。研究人员在2000年对全部的水芹基因组进行了测序,并进行了相关的遗传分析工作。同时,由于有许多种群在世界各地生长,从而使水芹具有丰富的遗传多样性。
美国布卢明顿市印第安纳大学的进化遗传学家Leonie Moyle认为,这一研究结果非常“令人兴奋”,这是因为它发现了相同物种的“血统”在遗传上存在不相容的第一个明显例证。(生物谷Bioon.com)
Science,Vol. 323. no. 5914, pp. 623 - 626,David Bikard,Olivier Loudet
Divergent Evolution of Duplicate Genes Leads to Genetic Incompatibilities Within A. thaliana
David Bikard,1 Dhaval Patel,2 Claire Le Metté,1 Veronica Giorgi,1 Christine Camilleri,1 Malcolm J. Bennett,2 Olivier Loudet1*
Genetic incompatibilities resulting from interactions between two loci represent a potential source of postzygotic barriers and may be an important factor in evolution when they impair the outcome of interspecific crosses. We show that, in crosses between strains of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, loci interact epistatically, controlling a recessive embryo lethality. This interaction is explained by divergent evolution occurring among paralogs of an essential duplicate gene, for which the functional copy is not located at the same locus in different accessions. These paralogs demonstrate genetic heterogeneity in their respective evolutionary trajectories, which results in widespread incompatibility among strains. Our data suggest that these passive mechanisms, gene duplication and extinction, could represent an important source of genetic incompatibilities across all taxa.
1 Genetics and Plant Breeding, INRA, SGAP UR254, F-78026 Versailles, France.2 Centre for Plant Integrative Biology, Division of Plant Sciences, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington Campus, Loughborough LE12 5RD, UK.